Fine artist and Illustrator, using either traditional or digital media.


Art / Illustration


Innovative STEM/STEAM educator.

Teaching Experience:

University, College, K-12.

Fine arts, digital arts, digital model-making, 3D printing, Makerspace/FabLab.

Extensive professional production experience with high-end computer graphics for digital visual effects and digital animation.

Experienced multi-format film, digital, and video photographer.

Visual Effects

  • STEM/STEAM Education
  • Fine Art
  • Illustration
  • Character & Concept Design
  • Photography
  • Video

Original Creative Content

Innovative Educational Expertise

Helping students learn to think creatively and innovatively is the primary component of my educational philosophy.  Whether instruction is through traditional art class techniques such as drawing, or using Scratch programming with Makey-Makey audio tools, the goal is always to develop and expand the deep thinking processes of each student.


Patrick Neary Studio

Distinctive and Extraordinary Imagery

Visually compelling images are my expertise, using either traditional media or digital media.  Every work communicates my commitment to inspirational wonder and dynamic design excellence.